Following on from my Jam success and possessing yet more damsons, I decided to try my hand at making Chutney. I found plenty of recipes for Chutney, they ranged from 25 ingredients to about 10 ....urgh. I went for the recipe that I already had the ingredients for:
3lbs damsons
1lb apples (1 big one) chopped quite small
1lb onions (1 big one) chopped quite small
250g soft brown sugar
2 pints of vinegar
1tsp salt
1tsp ginger
1tsp mixed spice
1oz currants
1oz sultanas
1oz raisins
Pop all the ingredients in a pan and boil for around 2 hours, after the first hour you need to stir it continuously, basically all the liquid should evaporate. It's about 2 hours now, Muse is stirring as I type, evaporate dawgonnit!
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